
Syndicate, hailing from Germany, is an esteemed heavy metal ban established in 2012. Renowned for their powerful guitar riffs an thunderous percussion, the band's music delves into themes of rebellion and authority. Syndicate's lyrical content, rich with historical and fantastical references, complements their aggressive musical style. With numerous awards and a dedicated global fanbase, Syndicate remains a prominent and influential force in the heavy metal genre.
  • Masters of the Underground (2021) (52:44)

    01. Iron Rule 4:15
    02. Dark Alliances 5:03
    03. Rebel Yell 4:47
    04. Shadow Kingdom 5:55
    05. The Overlord 6:22
    06. Throne of Thorns 4:40
    07. Midnight Raid 5:15
    08. Underworld Rise 5:00
    09. Battle Cry 4:57
    10. Forge the Empire 6:30